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July 2019
I booked an Orencia commercial! Many thanks to Pat Yorks, Kathy Wickline Casting, and the wonderful people from BMS Films!
March 2016
I booked a Comcast radio commercial! Keep your ears open in Pennsylvania. Many thanks to my fabulous co-star, Pat Yorks, Kathy Wickline, Kathy, Dana, Dan and Tim!
February 2016
Check out my new poetry section! Be gentle. Poems usually come to me in a flash. I try not to judge while I write, allowing them to flow. I hope you like them!
January 2015
Check out Kenya's new VO demo here!
October 2014
If you're looking for Kenya on the East Coast, contact Pat Yorks at Agency Connects, LLC!
July 2014
Kenya's back to acting! Check out the voice-over demo on her acting page or visit The Voice Realm for auditions and bookings. Click the image below for her profile!
- Many thanks for a wonderful experience to Gabriel at Vivo and TVR!
January 2014
While doing some technical writing and copywriting (aka paying the bills), Kenya's been writing songs and poetry. She's also still working on her fiction. Stop back later this month for the latest!
March 2013
After a few distractions, Kenya's finally back in writing mode. Check for new excerpts from Kenya's latest projects. And get a free copy of Depth of Focus: A Novel for Kindle March 3rd or 4th!
September 2012
Look for changes in Siblings & Other Torture Devices. Kenya's working on the comedy in addition to working on her thriller. New excerpts are coming soon!
April 2012
Kenya's added a thriller to her list of projects. Like a lot of action and suspense with your drama? Read an excerpt of Christopher today!
Depth of Focus got a new cover design! Danni was tired of wearing gray. Check her out in red!
March 2012
Kenya's back to work on Siblings & Other Torture Devices and a new story about a boy in jeopardy. Excerpts and more are coming soon!
"Buy" Depth of Focus: The Stanzas free for Kindle -- March 2nd and 3rd only!
February 2012
Win a signed, paperback copy of Depth of Focus: The Stanzas & A Novel! Enter at GoodReads now -- between February 10th and the 16th!
Goodreads Book Giveaway
Depth of Focus: The Stanzas & A Novel
by Kenya D. Williamson
Giveaway ends February 16, 2012.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter to win
Kenya created some new designs for her Zazzle store!
January 2012
Depth of Focus: The Stanzas & A Novel has its first press release!
Like Kenya's sense of humor and art? Check out the original designs in her new CafePress online store! Here are a few designs:
Depth of Focus: The Stanzas is now available in paperback and as an eBook! Check out an excerpt via the link above or through the sellers below!
- Kindle
- Nook
- Smashwords
- CreateSpace (paperback) - Save $3.00 with code: 6YR7NV3V
- (paperback)
Want both versions? Order the 612-page combined volume:
Depth of Focus: The Stanzas & A Novel!
- Kindle
- CreateSpace (paperback) - Save $4.00 with code: Y69ZLYRP
- (paperback)
December 2011
Kenya finished the final revision of Depth of Focus: The Stanzas. Read an excerpt now and look for the book in print and for Kindle, Nook, etc. in early January 2012!
She also started a new spec feature script! Dark comedy, anyone?
Happy Holidays!
November 2011
Read an excerpt of Depth of Focus: The Stanzas. The final manuscript's coming soon!
October 2011
Kenya finished breaking Depth of Focus:A Novel down to poetry in stanzas. After a review, it'll be off to the printers and available to readers worldwide!
She also updated the original manuscript's design. Download a free 4-chapter excerpt now!
September 2011
Kenya's converting Depth of Focus:A Novel into poetry in stanzas. Look for it in the coming weeks!
August 2011
Kenya did a writing prompt on August 5th and wound up with the flash comedy Two Down, Five to Go!
July 2011
Kenya published Drive -- a fun, suspenseful piece of flash fiction.
Celebrate Kenya's birthday month by taking 50% off the Depth of Focus ebook at Smashwords!
Read the dark comedy/romance flash fiction that popped into Kenya's head on July 4th -- Checked Out.
She wrote the first drafts of two new short stories -- Dirty and Drive. More news to come!
(You can also read Drive and Checked Out at Smashwords!)
Blog posts
Drive or Drivel?
July 28, 2011
Checked Out
July 5, 2011
June 2011
Depth of Focus got a great review from Krystal of Live to Read in Chicago!
Kenya started another short story. She also wrote a guest blog post for Reads, Reviews, Recommends!
Blog posts
Jogging Your Mammaries
(or Memories)
June 10, 2011
Sideways - Arriving at
Your Writing Destination
June 10, 2011 (Guest Post)
May 2011
Kenya's back to work on Siblings & Other Torture Devices, Windmills and a new short story!
Blog posts
Stay Tooned
May 13, 2011
Mamma Mia!
May 7, 2011
April 2011
Kenya posted new excerpts:
- Meet Allison and the hostess who'd like to hurt her. And get a glimpse of Allison's sisterly plans for Kelly's future in Siblings & Other Torture Devices (comedy) - Excerpt 3
- Meet Alex (Kate's boyfriend-turned-fiancé) and his friends in Windmills (drama/suspense) - Excerpt 3
Blog posts
Royal Flushed?
April 29, 2011
Hey, Boo Boo!
April 23, 2011
The Heat Is On
April 16, 2011
April 11, 2011
Freebie Friday
April 8, 2011
Taxation and Procrastination
April 4, 2011
March 2011
Kenya created an author page at the end of the month on Facebook! Visit or like it to be kept up to date on promotions, musings, blog posts and to interact!
She started her humorous blog, Sleep Deprivation and Me: A Love Story, the same week. Follow, subscribe or visit frequently for anecdotes about her career, life in LA, writing process or whatever's stuck in her head that day!
Blog posts
The Rythm
March 31, 2011
New Beginnings
March 28, 2011
Baby Steps
March 27, 2011
Kenya posted audio excerpts of Depth of Focus: A Novel and Siblings & Other Torture Devices on her writing page and Broadcastr. She also posted new excerpts of Windmills and Siblings & Other Torture Devices on Scribd!
-Siblings & Other Torture Devices (comedy) -- Excerpt 1, Excerpt 2
-Windmills (drama/suspense) -- Excerpt 1, Excerpt 2
She joined Goodreads! Her profile's a little bare right now -- as far as what she's read. But, she'll get to it once she stops spinning a couple dozen plates.
And last but not least, Kenya joined Smashwords! (It's been a busy month!) Go there to get Depth of Focus: A Novel for Apple's iBooks, Sony, Diesel, Kobo, etc. Whatever device you've got, you can find a copy of DOF through them, Amazon, Barnes & Noble or another bookseller! PHEW!
February 2011
Depth of Focus: A Novel has a new cover design. And the book's now available via Barnes & Noble's NOOK!
Kenya's working on two novels: Windmills and Siblings & Other Torture Devices.
She also joined the site She Writes!
December 2010
Kenya's recording more voice-over with Health Nuts Media!
November 2010
Kenya's working on her new novel, Windmills, while she lends her talents to Health Nuts Media's animated series.
After a wonderful stretch, she left Ernie's Girls to dedicate more time to other writing and voice-over projects. Thanks to Eddie & the EG gang!
October 2010
Depth of Focus: A Novel has its first review on Click here to read the first 4 chapters or read an excerpt on Scribd.
Paperback Kindle
August/September 2010
Depth of Focus: A Novel is now available in paperback in Kenya's eStore. Save 10% until October 15th by entering code DSQJXF7N at the checkout!
"Click to LOOK INSIDE!" the book at before you purchase or order the e-book from Kindle. Want a signed copy? Click here to have one Priority Mailed.
July 2010
Kenya's recording more voice-over as 9-year-old Lorrin in Health Nuts Media's new animated project!
Look for her novel, Depth of Focus, next month! More news to come!
June 2010
Kenya's in the final stretch of the last rewrite of her novel, Depth of Focus. And she's helping some friends with a couple short scripts!
April 2010
Kenya wrote an original TV pilot, Lots to Learn, and shot new webisodes of Ernie's Girls -- one for Easter and one for Vanessa's reunion.
Kenya posted new sneak peek excerpts of her novel, Depth of Focus. See how it all begins and a glimpse of where Danni is twenty years later -- far from home, but only a phone call away from the life she struggled to leave behind.
March 2010
Ernie's Girls won an Outstanding Achievement award at the 2010 LA Web Series Festival!
February 2010
In addition to playing/improvising the series regular role of Vanessa in Ernie's Girls, Kenya joined the creative team as a writer! The show was also accepted into the 2010 Pan African Film Festival. Stay tuned!
Kenya is voicing the series regular character of Lorrin in the Health Nuts Media new animated project!
January 2010
Kenya filmed 2 more webisodes of Ernie's Girls and shot some new pictures!
December 2009
Kenya filmed 2 new webisodes of Ernie's Girls!
October 2009
Kenya will be playing the series regular role of Vanessa Robinson in Edward James Gage's new sitcom pilot, Ernie's Girls.
September 2009
Kenya completed her novel, Depth of Focus, and started her next one -- an adaptation of her script, Windmills.
August 2009
Kenya's completing another draft of her novel, Depth of Focus, tweaking the story in the script and preparing to get back to her comedy, Backing Out.
June 2009
Kenya advanced to the top 25% in the 2009 Page International Screenwriting Awards with the thriller script, Drainage.
Kenya's back to rewriting the comedy script Backing Out and is working on the 2nd draft of her novel, Depth of Focus.
Kenya joined Women In Film.
April 2009
A yet-to-be-named director requested a script!
Another FD Management script request with great feedback!
March 2009
FD Management requested two scripts and gave great feedback!
January 2009
Kenya's finishing up the comedy, Backing Out. She's poised to begin one of two new projects -- a dark thriller or a battle-of-the-sexes comedy!
Kenya left her friends at BBA to re-sign with the wonderful agents at CESD!
September 2008
Kenya finished rewriting the thriller, Drainage. She's now working on the comedy, Backing Out!
August 2008
Kenya's finishing a rewrite of Drainage and converting Depth of Focus into a novel. She might be teaming up with a writing partner on a new romantic comedy!
Kenya's Deal or No Deal promos are airing!
June 2008
Kenya was selected as a writer/director semi-finalist for Film Independent's Project:Involve 2009.
April 2008
Kenya shot an NBC Promo for Deal or No Deal in Bel Air & Canoga Park, CA!
(Thank you to all the wonderful people of NBC & Deal or No Deal, Howie Mandel, dir. Jeff Drake, Moving Parts Inc., Maryclaire Sweeters Casting and BBA Talent!)
March 2008
Kenya signed with commercial agents at Bobby Ball Talent Agency.
October 2007
Kenya's KFC commercial started airing!
Cine Mosaic requested a script.
September 2007
Epiphany Pictures requested a script.
July 2007
Cavalier Films requested a script.
May 2007
Kenya's Lowe's paint commercial started running!
Kenya completed a rewrite of Depth of Focus.
April 2007
Kenya completed rewrites of Siblings & Other Torture Devices and
March 2007
Kenya shot a Lowe's commercial in Torrance & Universal City, CA!
(Thank you to all the generous people from Lowe's, BBDO New York, Craig Colvin casting, dir. Rob Pritts of Backyard Productions and CESD.)
February 2007
Kenya's KFC commercial started running in Austin, TX, Dayton, OH and San Diego, CA! Nationwide? We shall see...
January 2007
Kenya shot an Office Depot commercial in Venice, CA!
(Thank you to all the wonderfully efficient people of Office Depot, Kaplan Thaler Group, Cathi Carlton casting, dir. Stephen Sommers of Reactor Films and CESD.)
December 2006
Kenya shot a KFC commercial in Torrance, CA!
(Thank you to all the fun folks from KFC, Foote, Cone & Belding, Kathy Knowles casting, dir. David Gray of hungryman and CESD.)
Kenya's Comcast Connect commercial started running in Boston -- the location of their first Connect (Comcast/Circuit City) store!
October 2006
Kenya shot a Comcast commercial in Vancouver, Canada!
(Thank you to all the kind people of Comcast, The Richards Group, Danielle Eskinazi casting, dir. Tom Routson of Tool of N. America and CESD.)
Depth of Focus: The Stanzas & A Novel is now available as an eBook and in print. Kenya spent months breaking the original manuscript back into the verses she heard in her head. As a poet, she's always been drawn to rhythm in writing. So, it was only natural that she find a way to infuse her fiction with the same properties. Read an excerpt on the Depth of Focus page!
After years of letting ideas roll around in her head, Kenya finally put some of her recent designs to work in her new Zazzle and CafePress stores. It's an easy way for her to express her love and humor.
Kenya started a new dark comedy script in January 2013. (More details to come.) Along with a few short stories and her other two verse novels, she'll have plenty to keep her busy!
After her mother bugged her to write something new, Kenya wrote the short story Checked Out. Fond of using verse in flash fiction, while she was working on Jeff & Jill and The Countdown, she also wrote Drive, Two Down, Five to Go and the first draft of Dirty!
Kenya was thrilled to be asked to do a guest blog post on Kate Evangelista's Reads, Reviews, Recommends. It takes a brief, funny look at her journey from actor to screenwriter to novelist!
Kenya's current wip verse novels are Windmills and Siblings & Other Torture Devices. Click either link for a few brief excerpts. She also completed her original TV pilot, Lots to Learn. Written for a female lead and a multi-cultural cast, she's looking forward to what happens next with the comedy.
In addition to performing/improvising the role of Vanessa Robinson in the web series, Ernie's Girls, Kenya joined the creative team as a writer in 2010. The show won an Outstanding Achievement award at the 2010 LA Web Festival in March! She also voiced the character of 9-year-old Lorrin in an animated project directed by Al Rosson for Health Nuts Media!
Check back for more news and promotions. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?
News: Text
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